第三代稀土永磁钕铁硼(NdFeB)是当代磁铁中性 能最强的永磁体,它不仅具有高剩磁、高矫顽力、高 磁能积、高性能价格比等特性,而且容易加工成各种 尺寸,现已广泛应用于航空、航天、电子、电声、机 电、仪器、仪表、医疗技术及其它需用永磁场的装置 和设备中,特别适用于研制高性能、小型化、轻型化 的各种换代产品。
NdFeb, the third generation of rare permanent magnet , Has the high remanence, High corecive force, Hi gh energy product and high performance / cost ratio . It is easily formed intovarious sizes and widely used in many fields such as aviation,clectronics,instruments, meters, motos , medical instruments and the like. It is especially suitable for the development of highperformance, compact and light products.


钐钴(SmCo)作为第二代稀土永磁体,不但有 着较高的磁能积(14-28MGOe)和可靠的矫顽力, 而且在稀土永磁系列中表现出良好的温度特性。与 钕铁硼相比,钐钴更适合工作在高温环境中。
As the second generation of Rare Earth per- manent magnet, SmCo not only has high energy ranging from 14 MGOe to 28 MGOe and reliable coercive force, but also exhibits the best temperature characteristics in Rare Earth material family. Compared with NdFeB, SmCo is suitable for working higher temperature.


永磁铁氧体是SrO或BaO及Fe₂O₃为原料,通过 陶瓷工艺方法制造而成,我公司永磁铁氧体主要有 Y10T、Y20、Y25、Y30、Y30BH、Y35等6个牌号 产品,产品规格有圆形、圆柱形、方形、瓦形。
Permanent ferrite magnet is made of SrO or BaO and Fe₂O₃ by ceramic processing technology . Now we have 6 models of permanent magnet products, Namely Y10T,Y20, Y25, Y30, Y30BH,Y35 and etc.The products include rings,disks,blocks and segments.